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Our academic focus is based on a philosophy of teaching that is consistent with exemplary practices and meets national standards in education.

We follow the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) syllabus, widely regarded as one with the most enlightened outlook and curriculum within our education system. The core faculty of the school is a proactive team of experienced teachers, who combine high standards of teaching with sensitivity to the emotional needs of their students.

Each stage of schooling is carefully constructed, to make a student's journey from one level of school to the next as seamless and rewarding as possible.


Integrated Learning - Approach

The well-researched School curriculum -based on integrated Learning Approach-promotes creativity, curiosity, determination, independence, self-reliance, adaptability and teamwork in each student. Integrated Learning Approach is an activity-based learning process where experimentation, self discovery, high level of engagement and hands-on experience are given importance, in addition to exam preparation. This interdisciplinary approach creates eager and active learners who are exposed to a stimulating learning environment and engage in a wide range of developmentally-appropriate activities.



In SBIOA, we don't give a series of lectures to the children to prepare them to walk, talk, climb, run, play a game or learn how to behave. We just let the children to do these things because there is no better way than learning by doing.