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Our School Infrastructure

A well-designed architectural marvel with adequate open space for children to feel ‘free and liberated’ and an aesthetically designed campus with ample landscapes clubbed with amenities of international standards, an ideal location to pursue quality learning. The campus is scientifically planned, artistically designed and precisely constructed to meet the demand in grooming global citizens.

The school situated in the tranquility of a place, away from the dust and crowd of the city, has temperature controlled classrooms, well equipped labs , a library, toy room etc, with complement classroom activities and creates an environment conducive to high concentration levels and creativity.

Bus Transportation

The school has a well-organized transport facility for the students on all major routes. The routes are drawn up well in advance and the students can avail the facility according to their needs after consulting with the school transport In-charge. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only and the list of stops is prepared keeping in mind the convenience and security of all bus commuters.

Smart Classrooms

Smart Classrooms are technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology and allowing the Professor to teach using a wide variety of media.

Technology has benefited a vast range of industries. Smart classes got introduced as the new teaching method where instructional material and 3D animated modules and videos are used to impart lessons to students. Nowadays, students are ecstatic to follow learning through this innovative and interactive process. Smart classrooms have not only made learning interesting but have also enhanced students’ performance.

  • Visual learning, animated multimedia lessons
  • Quick and immersive learning
  • Progressive improvement in core student learning
  • High Overall School performance
  • Student assessment and evaluation
  • Report cards

The key to availing benefits of smart classes is to manage them effectively and efficiently. With SBIOA, teachers, and students can have their hands on the elements of smart class such as Digital Learning Content, Physical Reader and Workbooks, Learning activities, E-books, Regular assessments and Practices, quizzes, Personalised revisions, etc.


Laboratories are an integral part of the our curriculum and pedagogy. Our Laboratories enable students to achieve a deeper understanding of concepts taught in the classroom by demonstrating to them applications and processes based on these concepts. In fact no learning would be fun without practical demonstration. We have built state-of-art laboratories for Maths, Sciences and Computer. Each of these labs is equipped with a variety of subject-relevant equipment to allow for an experiential learning process, at a pace suitable to each child’s abilities. During lab hours, the students are supervised and assisted by qualified technicians and subject facilitators. Our Laboratories also focuses on measures to ensure Lab safety to avoid accidents.

The school has Composite science labs for Physics, Chemistry & Biology complete with equipment and models required to conduct experiments. Students conduct experiments under the supervision of teachers to learn the practical aspects of science. They are motivated to develop scientific inherence in them. Our teachers always expose students to various scientific phenomenon’s in order that they understand their practical value in real life situations.

The Maths lab eases the process of understanding a complex subject with Pictorial Visual aids to enhance learning and memory. Mathematics, a dreaded subject among most students comes alive here and students learn it with great interest. The concepts of 2D and 3D shapes are made clear through live demonstrations and models. Formulas and theories become extremely lucid when they make models of cylinders, cuboids, cubes, cones, spheres etc. Mathematical concepts are also taught to them through charts prepared by the students themselves.


The library acts as an important resource centre for all students with books ranging from reference books, subject related books as well as classics and bestsellers. We have a well stocked library with a diverse range of books that allow students to travel across time into different worlds. We have educational and recreational books as well as other multimedia resources for both, the students and staff, to access.

The school library is visited regularly by all students. Outside the library in the courtyard there are newspapers on display so that students can get the most up-to-date information on current affairs. To improve students’ vocabulary and broaden their horizons, the library also has a wide selection of fiction books. The library offers the students a quiet and peaceful place for study, research and recreation, and it is central to the academic life of the school.

  • Visual learning, animated multimedia lessons
  • Quick and immersive learning
  • Progressive improvement in core student learning
  • High Overall School performance
  • Student assessment and evaluation
  • Report cards

The library acts as a centre of academic and intellectual development for staff and students. We ensure that students understand the value of reading books. It develops a true sense of practical approach in understanding the subject thoroughly.