Latest News

Academic Excellence

Academic excellence often paves the way for leadership opportunities both in school and beyond. Excelling academically fosters strong problem-solving skills.

HOLISTIC Development

The holistic approach supports and focuses on children's overall well-being.
Practically it means that their social, emotional, physical, and intellectual Health is considered.

Certified Teachers

The importance of a teacher in the growth and development of a student cannot be underestimated. Role of teachers is very significant in a student’s life.

We are SBIOAns

The State Bank of India Officers' Association Educational Trust was promoted by the State Bank of India Officers' Association in the year 1978. The State Bank of India Officers' Association (SBIOA Chennai Circle) was formed in 1965 and enjoys the reputation of being the first Managerial Class Union in the country. It is the recognized body for negotiations with the Bank Management. It is a also a part of All India Bank Officers' Confederation and leads the organization which has more than 3,20,000 officers from SBI, Public Sector, Private Sector, Regional Rural Banks and Co-operative banks.

The Trust has 13 schools in its fold today- five in Chennai, two each in Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy and Salem and one in Ernakulam. The Schools are rated among the best in the country. They have become the biggest and the best providers of academic solutions to a wide array of children from all parts of the country. All the Schools are very efficiently run by a very dedicated and committed group of office bearers of the Educational Trust. Mr. A V Joseph, the Secretary and Correspondent of the Schools, also holds the most prestigious position of the General Secretary of SBI Officers' Association (Chennai Circle).

The motto of the Trust is 'Educate and Illuminate'. The main objective of the Trust is to establish educational institutions of high calibre for the benefit of the children of its members as well as deserving students irrespective of caste, colour or creed. The Trust believes that education should develop moral and social values in children. A structural curriculum brings about the much required holistic development in children.


“"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep, and we know it." – Hal Borland


Upcoming Events Of the Month

Here are some events that take place in June:

On June 5th of each year, the world observes World Environment Day (WED), a significant global event aimed at raising awareness and promoting action towards environmental protection. Established by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in 1972, this day serves as a platform to highlight pressing ecological issues faced by our planet and foster sustainable practices.”
World Food Safety Day is an annual event celebrated on June 7th. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of food safety and promote actions to prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks. This day highlights the critical role that food safety plays in ensuring everyone has access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food."
On June 12, the World Day Against Child Labour is observed globally. Its objective is to spark the growing global movement against child labour. The United Nations believes that child labour could be eradicated if people and governments focused on the primary cause and recognized the connection between social justice and child labor.


To stand out in the crowd of mushrooming educational institutions, SBIOA Public School employs imaginative and effective methods of student engagement. These unique ways result in definite results both in academic and co-curricular domains. Some features which give the School a distinguished identity are,



At present, the Trust runs four schools at Chennai, two schools at Madurai, Trichy and Coimbatore and one at Ernakulam. One school at Chennai and one school at Ernakulam are affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. Two schools at Chennai and schools at Madurai, Coimbatore and Trichy are affiliated to the Board of Matriculation Schools, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. The Trust is planning to start one more school at Mambakkam and one college at Sonallur in due course.




Certified Teachers


Student Campuses



SBIOA Management Committee

Considering desire as primary motivation for the generation of narratives is a useful concept.


Clubs at a Glance

The club activities at S.B.I.O.A Public School offer the students a plethora of exciting opportunities to think out of the box, gain new perspectives, create innovative ideas and boost their self-confidence. These activities help them gather enriched learning experiences in a collaborative environment, bring out their hidden talents and showcase their unbeatable strengths.